What's lined up for Marshmallow ?

Apart from various api's that will be released in this version of android, there are a bunch of other  things that should intrigue you...

In no particular order, here is the list..

1. An uninstall manager

Its been long time since we have cried and dreamt of having some easy looking interface to clean our device of those freaky, annoying apps that make our phone say....
Out of memory..

Well guess what, this version of android brings in what was needed.

This uninstall manager would be a part of the playstore application.

2. Playstore revamping...V5.9

Playstore has been going under some massive changes to adapt itself to the marshmallow update. The officially signed apk is available here, in case you need it .

3. Fingerprint is here...

Api level 23 (Marshmallow)  will bring a new api for the fingerprint thus my expanding its horizons to a completely new ecosystem.

4. App linking

Do you remember that dialog box asking you to open a link via a mobile app or a browser. Now thats solved by app linking in which you can link urls of your webapp with the mobile app installed in your phone with a small config file installed on your website.
Marshmallow is bringing in alot of variety for the devs and many subtle changes for the users to get them intrigued.

Check out the official api notes to read more about them


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