Making of a counter bubble overlay!!!
Hi, geeks Messages are the most important aspect of a mobile,since android came in the market it however kinda redesigned the way messages used to be after iphone. So Let's start in creating the bubble now :-) A little to know about A message bubble is the icon shown on the top of the message icon on your android device.This is usually a nice design to show instant notifications to your user and most of all it grabs your attention.Here's a image of that. So the red circles you seeing on the images/apps on the home screen is called the counter bubble notification. Prerequisites FrameLayout ShapeDrawables Know 'em better FrameLayout : This layout forms the basis of a counter bubble,it behaves like a stack.The layout/items placed inside it will appear from bottom to up(just like a stack).Here's an example to it. <FrameLayout> <ImageView> <TextView> <ListView> </F...