
Showing posts from September, 2013

Spoofing an android device

Android stores its build related properties in a secret file inside it.That file is crucial and should not be tampered with without any knowledge about it. So that's what i am gonna tell you. A bird's eye view about that file It has information about the heap size the phone has per app. Phone's screen density(helps google play to pick the apps that can run on your phone).Ever wondered why temple run doesn't show up in the playstore for a phone with lower screen density. Boot animation. The android animation that plays on when you boot your device. Wifi scan interval .Increasing the interval can help save you battery. A tool to help you Download an application to help you edit this file. Here's a link to the application So now here's how you start to spoof your emulator into some real device model Note:  Tampering with these properties may ca...

Installing google playstore on emulator

So, This blogs marks my entry to the world of blogging.However late(as always :-) ) but ill try to make it worth everything. Google Playstore, it's the best thing to use on an android device,however that's missing on emulators. Here are few steps nice and easy to install it on emulator. Pre-requisites emulator :p android sdk tools. Its tested on android version 16  now time to write commands on the shell,write and execute them serially Gain access to the system drive    adb shell mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock0 /system Make it an exectuable    adb shell chmod 777 /system/app Install the apks You can also pull these apks from an actual device with api level 16 and push it back on the emulator as mentioned below,but here's a treat(apks are attached below). links to the apks GoogleServicesFramework.apk Phonesky.apk GoogleLoginService.apk adb push GoogleLoginService.apk  /system/app / ...